OEMS Announcements

Announcements Monday 01/09/2023: 

Good morning staff and students!  Welcome to Ovid-Elsie Middle School where we are inspiring life-long learners to achieve their full potential and excel in a changing world.  Today is Monday January 9th, 2023.  Happy New Year everybody!  Please stand for the pledge…..

Happy Birthday today to everyone who had their birthday over the Christmas vacation.  I hope that you had a wonderful birthday guys!

Attention Science Olympiad team - Our first practice will be this Thursday in Mr. Wertz's room 116 after school until 4:30.  This is a correction from the letter sent home to parents.

Just a wee reminder that Middle School students are not permitted in the HS unless they have band or performing arts and may not hang out in the IC or in front of the IC to meet with HS students.

And now it’s time for Manic Mystery Monday so pop your thinking caps on and teachers dial 1420 when you have heard the entire question and your class has an answer:

Question: What is the birthstone for January

Answer: Garnet

Class: Schmidt

Note: Garnet. The word “garnet” comes from the 14th century Middle English word gernet, meaning “dark red.” The word is derived from Latin granatum, which means “seed,” and is called so because of the gemstone's resemblance to the red seeds of the pomegranate.

Have a marvelous Monday everybody!

Announcements Tuesday 01/10/2023: 

Good morning staff and students!  Welcome to Ovid-Elsie Middle School where we are inspiring life-long learners to achieve their full potential and excel in a changing world.  Today is Tuesday January 10th, 2023.  Please stand for the pledge…..

Happy Birthday today to Avery R and Logan S. Have a wonderful birthday guys!

Attention Science Olympiad team - Our first practice will be this Thursday in Mr. Wertz's room 116 after school until 4:30pm.  This is a correction from the letter sent home to parents.

We have an assembly this morning at 9:15am.  You will leave your chromebooks and other items in your first hour class.  After the assembly you will be operating with a 2 hour delay schedule starting with either lunch for 6th grade or 2nd hour for 7th and 8th.

Two reminders: You may not have cell phones on your person after entering the building.  They must be turned off and put in your lockers.

MS students may not meet HS students outside the IC or go into the HS unless they are attending band or performing arts.

We have information about the Shrine Circus which is occurring the weekend of January 20th at the DOW event center in Saginaw.  There are a small number of free tickets in the office.

Have a terrific Tuesday everybody and remember it may not be easy but it will definitely be worth it!

Announcements Wednesday 01/11/2023: 

Good morning staff and students!  Welcome to Ovid-Elsie Middle School where we are inspiring life-long learners to achieve their full potential and excel in a changing world.  Today is Wednesday 11th January, 2023.  Please stand for the pledge…..

Student Challenge will be held in Mr Hazle’s classroom, tomorrow morning @ 7:25am, with Mrs Willbanks.  All are welcome!

Our first practice for the Science Olympiad team will be tomorrow in Mr. Wertz's room 116 after school until 4:30.  This is a correction from the letter sent home to parents.

We have information about the Shrine Circus which is occurring the weekend of January 20th at the DOW event center in Saginaw.  There are a small number of free tickets in the office.

It’s Hump Day and we now have the student inspirational quote of the week to get you over the hump:


Have a wonderful Wednesday everybody!  We’re halfway there so let’s make the rest of this week really count!

Announcements Friday 01/13/2023: 

Good morning staff and students!  Welcome to Ovid-Elsie Middle School where we are inspiring life-long learners to achieve their full potential and excel in a changing world.  Today is Friday January 13th, 2023.  Please stand for the pledge…..

Happy Birthday to Alexis K and Gaven O over the weekend.  Have a sensational birthday guys!

Congratulations to Jacob Miller for receiving 3rd place in the entire state for the MI FFA Poultry Contest.  Jacob come on down to the office after announcements to receive your trophy and get your piccie taken.

We’ll have a 5 min early release for the sugar sling this afternoon.  If you have $ for concessions you may be released at 2:55pm.  

Monday is an early release for students at 11:30am.  

If you can remember back this far…we had a snow day on the last Friday before break and didn’t have the opportunity to announce the Staff Marauder of the Month for December.  You have all voted and Mr Belill has been recognized for going above and beyond for his students and his commitment to our school.  Congratulations Mr Belill.  Now you have to be in a good mood ALL DAY LONG!!

And now it’s time for the best time of the week, Mrs Holley’s Chuckle Time:

Question: Why is Frosty never late?

Answer: Because time waits for snowman.

Have a fantastic Friday everybody!   It looks like today is a great day to have a great day!!