High School Happenings

For the Week of September 6, 2021


No School 



Advisory Schedule 

Student Council Meeting, 7:30 am


NWEA Testing in Math, first 2 hours of the day




Looking Ahead

  • Friday, October 1st - Early Release

Other Matters of Interest

FREE Breakfast & Lunch Available Every School Day for ALL Students!

  • Yearbooks are in!!  They may be picked up in S-7 from Mr. Puffpaff.

  • Options for excusing a student’s absence

When excusing a student due to an illness, please be specific of any symptoms the student is experiencing

  • Provide a doctor’s note for the absence.

  • Email the attendance secretary at michele.moore@ovidelsie.org.

  • Call the high school office at 989-834-2271, press 1 for HS.


Send your student to school the day of the absence with a signed note stating the date, early dismissal time and the purpose of their early release.  The student needs to provide the note AT THE START OF THE CLASS PERIOD to the teacher of the class they need to leave in.  At the designated time, the student will be released from class and needs to report to the office prior to leaving school grounds to check out with Mrs. Moore.