OEMS Announcements

Announcements Monday 01/08/2024: 

Good morning staff and students!  Welcome back to Ovid-Elsie Middle School , I hope that you all had an amazing Christmas and New Year.   Today is Monday 8th January, 2024.  Please stand for the pledge…..

Science Olympiad practice will be this Wednesday after school until 4:30 in Mr. Wertz's room.

A couple of reminders to start the new year:

Phones must be turned off and kept in lockers or they will be confiscated.

No pop, coffee or energy drinks are permitted in school.

Hats and hoods must be removed upon entering the school.

And now it’s time for Manic Mystery Monday so pop your thinking caps on and teachers dial 1420 when you have heard the entire question and your class has an answer:

Question: What animal drinks the most water?

Answer:  An elephant. 

Class: Duckert.

Note: The animal that drinks the most water is the elephant. An adult elephant can drink up to 50 gallons of water per day. This large intake is necessary to support their massive size and maintain their bodily functions.

Have a marvelous Monday everybody!

Announcements Tuesday 01/09/2024: 

Good morning staff and students!  Welcome to Ovid-Elsie Middle School where we are inspiring life-long learners to achieve their full potential and excel in a changing world.  Today is Tuesday January 9th, 2024.  Please stand for the pledge…..

Science Olympiad practice will be this Wednesday after school until 4:30 in Mr. Wertz's room.

There is volleyball info in the office.  Tryouts for MS Volleyball are tonight from 3:15 to 5:30pm in the MS gym.  You must have a physical on file to try out.  We also have information on OE Red Cedar Girls’ Volleyball in the office.  The paperwork and payment must be returned to the school office by this Friday.  Cost is $50.

Competitive Cheer - MS cheer competition after school on Wednesday.  MS cheer students should meet in the MS lobby after school.  Coaches and students will walk down to the HS together.  Bus leaves at 4pm.

Have a terrific Tuesday everybody and remember it may not be easy but it will definitely be worth it!

Christmas Snowflake Banner Digital Art by Bigalbaloo Stock - Pixels

Announcements Thursday 1/11/2024: 

Good morning staff and students!  Welcome to Ovid-Elsie Middle School where we are inspiring life-long learners to achieve their full potential and excel in a changing world.  Today is Thursday, January 11th, 2024.  Please stand for the pledge…..

Happy Birthday yesterday to Logan S and Avery R and to Easton Brasseur today.  Hope that you have a terrific day Easton!

We have information on OE Red Cedar Girls’ Volleyball in the office.  The deadline for  paperwork and payment has been extended past this Friday.  As soon as we get a new date, I will let you know.  Cost is $50 and includes a jersey.

We will have concessions tomorrow at the end of the day so bring your monies for the sugar sling!

We have an inspirational quote for a snowy cold Thursday: "What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness."

- John Steinbeck

Have a tremendous Thursday everybody!  Let’s make today RIDICULOUSLY amazing!