OEMS Morning Announcements

Announcements 11/16/2020

Good Morning staff and students!  Welcome to Ovid-Elsie Middle School where we are inspiring life-long learners to achieve their full potential and excel in a changing world.  Today is Monday November 16th, 2020.  Please stand for the pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag …

We don't have any news today, so here's a couple of jokes to make you smile:

Q: What do cats like to eat for breakfast? 

A: Mice Krispies.

Q: Why don't cats like online shopping? 

A: They prefer a cat-alogue.

Announcements 11/17/2020

Today is Tuesday November 17th, 2020.  

  • I’m sure that you’re all aware by now that we will be going fully online as of tomorrow until Thursday, December 10th.  Your teachers will be going over the plan for virtual learning in your classrooms today.  Please empty your lockers and your desks and take everything home with you.

  • Student council will be putting on a virtual talent show over the next two weeks! It will take place on flipgrid and there will be gift card prizes for the winners! Check your email sometime on Friday for more information from Mrs. Willbanks.

  • Please remember that although virtual learning might not be our first choice, your teachers are amazing and are working hard to help you to be successful.  Take advantage of the resources that they are providing for you.

Have a tremendous Tuesday!  Keep working hard and smiling!

Announcements 11/19/2020

Good afternoon staff and students!  Welcome to Ovid-Elsie Middle School Online where we are inspiring life-long learners to achieve their full potential and excel in a changing world.  Today is Thursday November 19th, 2020.  

  • A reminder that our Student Council will be putting on a virtual talent show over the next two weeks! It will take place on flipgrid and there will be gift card prizes for the winners! Check your email sometime on Friday for more information from Mrs. Willbanks.

  • And now for the Science Fact of the Week!  This one is about grasshoppers and is freakishly cool!  

    • Like humans, grasshoppers have an eardrum but unlike humans it’s on their BELLY!!!

    • An adult eardrum is covered and protected by the wings and allows the grasshopper to hear the songs of its grasshopper friends.  

    • This eardrum is adapted to vibrate in response to signals that are important to the grasshopper - much like a teenager who doesn’t hear their mum asking them to fold laundry standing next to them but hears their sibling 4 rooms away opening the Oreo cookies!  

    • Male grasshoppers use sounds to call for mates and to claim territory. 

    • Females can hear the sound that males make and judge the relative size of the male from the pitch of the call (large males make deeper sounds). 

    • Other males can hear the sounds and judge the size of a potential rival. Males use this information to avoid fights with larger male grasshoppers or to chase smaller rivals from their territory.

Have a terrific Thursday!  Keep working hard and smiling!

Announcements 11/20/2020

Good afternoon staff and students!  Welcome to Ovid-Elsie Middle School Online where we are inspiring life-long learners to achieve their full potential and excel in a changing world.  Today is Friday November 20th, 2020.  

  • A reminder that our Student Council will be putting on a virtual talent show over the next two weeks! It will take place on flipgrid and there will be gift card prizes for the winners! Check your email sometime on Friday for more information from Mrs. Willbanks.

  • And now the time that you’ve all been sitting at home waiting for: Mrs Holley’s Chuckle Time and it’s a special Thanksgiving edition.

Q: What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert?

A:  Peach Gobbler!!!

Q: Why don’t turkeys eat very much at Thanksgiving dinner?

A: Because they’re already stuffed.

Q: What do you get if you cross a turkey with a centipede?

A: Enough drumsticks for everybody!

Have a fantastic Friday!  Let’s make today ridiculously amazing!